Frizz is a sign that your hair is dry and also that you have natural texture in your hair. If you moisturize your hair like an army general going to battle, you will add more wave and less frizz. This is a battle you can win. If this is a surprise to you, read on.
People with curly hair know it, but people with wavy hair may not have gotten the memo. The memo says, “you have natural texture in your hair, wavy hair is an option for you.” Straightening your hair is not the only option! But before you arrive at your next feel-good hair style, frizzy hair needs moisturizing.
Nov 2019 My hair can easily be straightened with a blow dryer and I’m clueless about the hidden waves Nov 2019 My hair is drying in the wrong direction, towards frizz May 2020 I begin to moisturize my hair and see the waves when it’s wet a HUGE new basket holds products to try, plus rags to tie up my hair, satin pillowcases, and a microfiber hair towel July 2020 Two months in I know how to make loose waves, no curling iron Sept 2020 On a normal day I have only a few waves. Do I like that better than frizz? You bet.
Several years ago, I took a year off of work to meditate in a dry climate. I watched my hair become dry, frizzy and more tangled. I thought it was something I was stuck with at my age. Nope. During the pandemic lockdown, I let my gray roots grow. I experimented with deeply moisturizing my hair and even stopped using shampoo for a month. I tried wavy hair products and methods and discovered I have wavy hair.
A lockdown is the perfect time to stop using shampoo as an experiment!
Do you have hidden texture in your hair? Have you ever noticed waves, kinks or curls at the nape of the neck or underneath your hair? Do you straighten your hair with a blow-dryer or flat iron? Good news, the care for waves is low maintenance and low cost, much easier than blow drying, straightening, and curling. Why not nurture yourself with a phase of serious hair care?
Read this book: Curly Girl: The Handbook (2011) by Lorraine Massey. You will hear many stories of transformation as people embrace their hair texture.
This book will tell you to:
- Stop using regular shampoo which dries the hair. Buy a special shampoo for wavy or curly hair.
- Moisturize your hair with a botanical conditioner you use regularly. Occasionally, deep condition and occasionally clarify to remove product build up. Product recipes and instructions are in the book. NOTE: I’ve removed mention of using oils because the author said in 2018 that she no longer recommends adding oils in large amounts to the hair. However for some people oils added to the conditioner work great as a deep conditioner. So you will need to experiment and see what works for your hair type.
- Use the right styling products to bring out your natural texture. This is important. I don’t get the waves without using a spray gel, and scrunching my hair.
- Let your hair dry naturally overnight, or use a diffuser on a blow-dryer.
Step one is to start uber-moisturizing your hair. After you do this for a month, your hair stylist will finally be able to see your hair texture. Get support from curly haired friends and the right stylist.
salons for curly & wavy hair
Search online for a curly hair salon in your area. Use the keyword, devachan to find devachan salons or ones like it. A stylist trained in this method, will be able to tell you what type of wavy or curly hair you have and how to maintain and style it. These salons can be more expensive but the education may be worth it to you.
regular salons
Ask a friend with curly hair to recommend a stylist. Communication with your stylist is the most important part. If you say exactly what you want, a good stylist can give it to you. Bring a photo.
I’ve been very happy with Devacurl products and Jessicurl unscented products for wavy hair. Must-have products for me are shampoo, conditioner, a wave-making cream, and a spray gel. I also use a spray bottle with water. I’ve learned through experimentation that product is necessary to form and keep beautiful waves. Your hair will still be touchable and soft, not heavy or sticky. Get more tips about products (for example protein) by joining an Instagram or Facebook group for wavies. It’s helpful to see the hair transformations. There are many product lines for wavy hair now. You will need to experiment quite a bit.
- YouTube – 5 Overnight Hairstyles for the Perfect Morning Do (WAIT! I’m not recommending the products, just get ideas for how to tie up your hair at night)
- YouTube – How to Refresh Wavy Hair using the Re-WET Method by Carleen Sanchez
- Article – How to follow the Curly Girl Method by Cristina Cleveland
- YouTube – Top 5 Mistakes Wavies Make When Going CG (TIP Find a video like this for your curl/wave type. She gives advice on products and how often to clarify and deep condition. There’s curly girl jargon here you may not understand without reading the book)
If you have natural texture in your hair, you have a choice. What do you want your hair to look like and how easily can you achieve it? Smoothing and straightening is an elegant look, but at some point this may be too much work, and too damaging. Wavy hair is creative, fun and that messy flavor of sexy. Try it on for size and see if it’s a fit for you.
get ready for a transition period
If you do want to try out wavy hair, give your hair a month or more to adjust to your new nurturing regime. Allow your hair to be messy at times and out of place. Get to know the texture of your hair. Start talking to your hair in a positive way, “I’m curious about you. I think you may be gorgeous hair.”
Your hair could become one of your best features, once it’s properly moisturized. As a stylist, I help people find their new look, reach out if you want support. Good luck my beautiful friend!
So good Cate! Loved watching your journey unfold into beautiful waves!
Thanks Camila! I love hearing that you found your waves recently too. 🙂